Nevertheless, yerba mate helps stimulate focus and clarity, boosts physical energy, is used to support weight loss programs, and aids elimination. Moreover, yerba mate is not oily and acid forming, like coffee, so it is less likely to cause stomach acid and jitters. Yet unlike tea, yerba mate has a low tannin content so it can be strong like coffee with out becoming extremely bitter. With approximately 80 mg of caffeine per serving, (somewhere between that of green tea and coffee), yerba mate also contains, theophylline, and theobromine, well-known stimulants also found in tea, coffee and chocolate. NUTRITION-WISE: Yerba Mate is not an ‘energy’ drink in the traditional sense, but many people do experience energy from drinking mate, as well as clarity of mind. With the strength of coffee, the health benefits of tea, and the euphoria of chocolate, yerba mate is made from the naturally caffeinated and nourishing leaves of the celebrated South American rainforest holly tree (Ilex paraguariensis).Īvailable in both bottles and cans, Guayaki’s Organic Yerba Mate comes in a variety of options, including such flavors as Grapefruit Ginger, Enlighten Mint, and Pomegranate Terere, with some tasting more ‘juicy’ and ‘earthy’ and others appearing more light, bright, and lightly carbonated. THE PRODUCT: Guayaki’s Organic Yerba Mate (pronounced: Gway-uh-kee Yer-bah Mah-tay), is not your typical energy beverage. It’s called Yerba Mate and Guayaki has turned it into my new “energy drink” of choice. While coffee and tea are probably the most well-known, and healthiest, of the natural energy inducers, there is another option that most Americans still have yet to know about it. Moreover, many of them have addictive properties and can lead to a whole list of negative side-effects.

that we can buy in order to help with our lack of energy, very few are what should be considered “healthy”. Now add kids into the mix and it seems like sleep becomes a thing of the past and there is never a day where you aren’t “tired” or in need of a pick-me-up.Īlthough there are hundreds of supplements, drinks, etc. Pretty much everyone is in search of more energy these days, trying to keep up with their ever-evolving lives and schedules.